This technique is an old way of scamming customers. They call you and tell you that your Microsoft Windows program is infected or spreading infections and they need to “fix” it. Once on your computer, they install malware and backdoors to steal your data. This type of problem is an old idea but with a new twist. This new scam dubbed BazaCall is nothing new. This scam can take the form of IRS Payment issues, Social Security suspension or Auto Warranty Repair, or a number of Senior Citizen issues, all of which are twisted scams. Dont fall for this, even after all these years, our family asks us questions that we find obvious scams but they are embarrassed to admit that they somehow believe it could be true. But I can say that the IRS or Social Security Administration dont call you unless you call them for assistance and they dont threaten you with suspension of your benefits. They are good people and should be respected when ever you have issues with your account. They are normal people doing their work like all good members of the United States Government. But if you fall to these scams, we will help you, but need to charge you to support you. First, browse over to our download section of the website, Download the Support Software for either PC or MAC, and then follow the instructions to install it. They are both supported by Remote PC, but be sure to follow the instructions for the MAC. The installer will tell you how to allow our software to the RemotePC software. If you have trouble, find someone to help you install it. Then when you are ready for our support, CALL us at 510-626-8199 and we will verify that your computer is ready to go. Then we will connect you to an engineer to assist you.
Contact US if you have been scammed this way. We can verify your computer is safe from future attacks. A Flat fee of $75.00 USD will be charged for this service.